Monday, July 28, 2008
Icon Exchange
The work encompasses the concept interspirituality, where as a global society, we understand more than ever about other cultures, religions and beliefs. So as individuals one gets to 'pick and choose' bit and pieces from variious beliefs and encompass that into a very personalised belief system of one's own.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Maternal Ties
The second entry is by Rani Hynes (AUS). Rani writes:
This is a scanned image of my journal entry. It isn’t much but does capture what the inner Goddess means to me and where some might find it.
Nirvana Visions
Tara Spicer (AUS). Tara writes:
I am very excited, I have finished my Journal entry and I think that she looks absolutely beautiful. I felt very lucky to be the very first entry.
I am interested in painting this image as the Journal travels... and then I thought I could donate it to you at where it could be auctioned off and the money donated to a cause of your choice? What do you think?
Indeed, what do you think goddess sisters? I've come up with a shortlist of ideas, but I'm open to your input. Check out the shortlist and vote.